R.I.P. iGreekNews part 2

In an unexpected turn of events, I was forced to take down iGreekNews. In short, Apple didn’t like that iGreekNews consults RSS feeds from various sources. I find it strange, considering that the purpose of RSS is to be free, and it is a means of communicating with news sources.

In any case, I cannot continue supporting it or try to mess with lawyers in order to gather any evidence that Apple may require. My full day job doesn’t leave me enough time to do that.

What happens now?

First of all, the iOS application has ceased to exist already.

The backend that iGreekNews uses (The Oramind Service) will continue to operate, as will iGreekNews, for some time. The platform will be upgraded, and I intend to design a front end to accommodate many new features I have put in the service, but hadn’t any time to make a frontend for them. I invested so much time in creating a full-fledged backend for my Big Data purposes, that I can’t just leave it as it is.

Lately I had added better Twitter support, categorization, and I had started to use some algorithms to identify most commonly shared items, most talked about topics, and much more. NodeJS is am extremely versatile platform and has allowed me to do many creative things, which I have used in Oramind’s Service. I do not intend to abandon it.

It’s time to move on.