1 min read

iGreekNews HD 1.2/ iGreekNews 1.8

iGreekNews 1.8, followed by iGreekNews HD 1.2.1 are out. I know I promised that I would deliver the updates sooner, but technical reasons kept me from doing so. Not to mention that I have been involved in some other projects, and I also had to upgrade my systems to use Lion, and Xcode 4.1.

iGreekNews for iPhone has several improvements, from which many of them are not visible to the end user. One of the most notable changes, however, is the support for Facebook and Twitter. I originally implemented those functions for the iPad, and I wouldn’t do it for the iPhone, mainly because I didn’t want how the UI elements would behave. I decided to wait before I make large changes to the code.


iGreekNews HD for the iPad also has its share of improvements, mainly subtle ones. Version 1.2 introduced jumping from one article to another while viewing the entire article from a web view, using the new in-view browser. This is a very important addition, as it adds very much to the ease of use. I also closed some holes and memory leaks. Version 1.2.1 is a sole-bug fix. It fixes the bug which prevented the list with the subcategories of a news source to be properly updated with the list f subcategories from the selected source. This is good news for all fans of portrait orientation of iPad.

More changes are coming. And more products by Oramind.