119 min read

Digital Experience Layer (Vodafone Greece)

The Digital eXperience Layer (DXL) is a Kubernetes middleware, and Vodafone Greece's digital backbone.
Digital Experience Layer (Vodafone Greece)

I have been the backend Chapter Lead of Vodafone Greece's Digital eXperience Layer, a Kubernetes-based middleware.

During my employment, I set up a team of 30+ developers, introduced radically new technologies, and restructured the DXL in a way that would prove to be 60% more efficient in terms of resources and raw performance of Microservices. Using the DXL middleware, user operations from the mobile and web app that originally took 10+ seconds now only require a few milliseconds.

For this, I had to lead the rewrite of the entire infrastructure with which the team developed Microservices, and set up new company processes and new software architecture. I designed systems widely adopted by Vodafone Operators outside of Greece, as well.

Worldwide Recognition

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Changing gears to another framework helped reduce boot times and resource usage, especially during traffic spikes.
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